Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Today we celebrated World Maths Day by investigating using our weighing skills. 

We began by estimating the weight of the books. Then we weight the book using weighing scales. We had to use our reading scales skills to do this carefully. 

Each of us decided on the best way to record the results. Creating a graph of our results on Purple Mash was our favourite part because they looked really impressive! 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Fractions of Amounts

This week we will be using our times tables skills to find fractions of amounts.

Click here to work on the 'Would you rather' fractions game

There's also a Sumdog challenge for finding fractions of amounts. You have one week to complete 1000 questions, comment below when you've completed the challenge.

You will only be super speedy if you know your times tables by heart so keep working on them as much as possible.
